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NOLA BugLady's Garden Butterflies and Caterpillars

Download a printable copy of Caterpillar Host Plants.

Black Swallowtail Parsley, Dill, Fennel, Rue, Cowbane
Giant Swallowtail Citrus, HopTree, Rue, Prickly Ash
Pipevine Swallowtail Pipevine varieties:  Aristolochia tomentosa, A. fimbriata,   A. durior, A. serpentaria, A. triloba
Spicebush Swallowtail Spicebush, Sassafras, Prickly Ash, Camphor, Sweet Bay Magnolia
Tiger Swallowtail Tulip Poplar, Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Hop Tree,            Wild Cherry, Willow
Monarch Milkweed varieties: Asclepias perennis, A. incarnata,
A. tuberosa
Viceroy Cottonwood, Wild Cherry, Willow
Gulf Fritillary Passion Flower vine varieties:  Passiflora incarnata,
P. lutea, P. caerulea
Variegated Fritillary Passion Flower vine varieties, Violets
Common Buckeye Toadflax, Plantain, Agalinis, Ruellia, Snapdragons, Angelonia, Sedum
American Painted Lady Asters: Cudweed, Everlastings
Painted Lady Hollyhock, Sunflowers, Thistles
Red Admiral Pellitory, Nettle Family: False Nettles, Stinging Nettles, Wood Nettles
Question Mark Elm, Hackberry, False Nettles (Boehmeria),                      Stinging Nettles
Cloudless Sulphur Cassia varieties: Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia),
C. bicapsularis, Flowering Senna (Senna corymbosa), Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)
Sleepy Orange Sulphur Sicklepod, Partridge Pea, Flowering Senna
Common Checkered Skipper Arrowleaf Sida (Sida rhombifolia)
Clouded Skipper Various grasses: St. Augustine, Johnson,                            Wooly Beard Grass (Erianthus alopecturoides)
Fiery Skipper Various grasses:  Bermudagrass, St. Augustine,           Creeping bentgrass
Horace Duskywing Oak: Red, White, Willow, Northern Red, Scrub, Water, Post and Live Oak
Long-tailed Skipper Legumes: Peas, Beans, Desmodium
Silver-spotted Skipper Wisteria, Black Locust, False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa)


Sneak a peak!-  

On the Second Day of Christmas my Grandpa read to me
Chapter Two of "BugLady's Butterfly Summer"!

 Happy Holidays to Everyone!

BugLady's Butterfly Summer

by Linda Auld


Buy now

Sneak a peak!-  

On the First Day of Christmas my Grandma read to me
Chapter one of "BugLady's Butterfly Summer"!
 Happy Holidays to Everyone!

BugLady's Butterfly Summer

by Linda Auld


Buy now

On January 25, 2020 the Baton Rouge Master Gardeners from Hilltop Arboretum hosted a fantastic Gardening Symposium event packed with very informative nature presentations plus book and plant sales to help further education!                Doug Tallamy, nationally known speaker and author of Nature's Best Hope, was promoting the use of native plants to support wildlife whereas Bill Fontenot, author of Native Gardening in the South was more focused on planting for birds.   I felt very honored to be sharing the stage with these two very knowledgeable friends of mine as I was presenting, "Plant It and They Will Come!" --how to attract butterflies to your garden using specific native plants. Thank you, Hilltop folks for selling forty copies of my new book, "BugLady's Butterfly Summer"!  What a wonderful day!

My article on Geaux Grow Natives was included in the April 2019 LSU AgCenter Newsletter. Below is an excerpt.

I'll never forget the first time I met author Doug Tallamy on the evening of October 10, 2013 at his lecture at Longue Vue Gardens. I purchased his book, "Bringing Nature Home-- How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants" and asked him to sign it. Along with his signature, he wrote these words: "Garden as if life depended on it!"... To read the rest of the article, visit the LSU AgCenter Newsletter.


Nature's Best Hope 

A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard
Saturday, January 25, 2020, 8:15am – 2:00pm
EBRP Main Branch Library Conference Room
7711 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge 70806


Want to attract more wildlife, butterflies and birds to your yard? The Jan. 25 symposium hosted by the Friends of Hilltop Arboretum can help.

The session will feature speakers Douglas W. Tallamy, Linda Barber Auld and Bill Fontenot, all of whom will offer ways for you to help protect and attract birds and bees (and a few other creatures) to your home garden and landscape. 

Auld, affectionately known as the New Orleans "BugLady," owns and runs Barber Laboratories. For over 40 years, she has studied and promoted understanding beneficial insects. Auld has raised 125 species of butterflies and moths, studying and photographing their life cycles.

Auld will talk about how to attract butterflies and pollinators throughout the year using native plants. Her new book, "BugLady’s Butterfly Summer," is an uplifting read and will be available for sale.

Deadline for early registration is Jan. 14. The cost is $75 ($85 after the deadline); $25 for students ($35 late) and $65 for members of Friends of Hilltop Arboretum, ($75 late). Registration and more information available at, email or call (225) 767-6916.

May 25, 2019

I had a fabulous time at Clegg's on Siegen Lane and Denham Springs today signing books and introducing people to my "Geaux Grow Natives" spring plants.


May 4, 2019

Great afternoon at Double M on Jefferson Highway
making new friends!
Starting my day off educating folks at Jefferson Feed on Central Ave.